Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Something like that happened in the nineteenth century in Tunisia - where the afflictions after jus

A number of years after the entry into Egypt to Joseph and his brothers did not know about the new pharaoh (Rashi and many other commentators note that "did not want to know"), Joseph merit, but put them teeorjuse. We read: "the new king arose over Egypt, who knew not Joseph, and said to his people:" Behold, the people of the children of Israel are more and mightier than we. "(" Genesis 1:8-9 II "). The Pharaoh offered: "Let us deal wisely with them ..." (Genesis 1:10 II "). The Pharaoh decided to pay evil for good, but as we all know, after all, the Pharaoh was defeated, and justice served, as the psalmist says: "Because I have a fair sand, he loves justice ..." ("Psalm 11:7"). When the ordeal was over life, the children of Israel souls were filled with joy.
Something like that happened in the nineteenth century in Tunisia - where the afflictions after justice was served. Once saw an Arab Jew crying orblapse. Jew began to harm the child and took him to live in their own half. Jewish foster parents did not try to lure him to his religion and the Muslim child was sent to school to learn. The boy graduated from the school and became the city of Al-Qayrawan'i usukohtunik gardenia - Kadi. For Muslims, the holy city of Kairouan, which is also referred to as the North African Mekkaks. Although in the past there was a Jewish congregation and Rabbi Nissim Gaon is buried gardenia in the city, a rabbi, and Rabbi Elhanan Ben Hushiel Hanane Ben Hushiel, the city was not allowed Jews to live. When the boy grew up to be bigger, he began to feel ashamed of his father, and regretted that grew into a Jewish home. His heart grew enmity against the Jews. This "sin" does not give peace of mind, and the "redeem," he decided to kill the old man. Judge Young coined the clever plan. He wrote home. Describing the achievements, called his benefactor to the village. Senior was proud of his achievements, wrote a certain day, and promised to come and visit. Old Jew, Muslim attire and proceeded to the track. Judge Young took a kindly gardenia guest. Foster parent asked permission to visit the grave of rabbis. 'Helpful' stepson, sent him to the tomb, opened the door and quickly put the Jews after the door closed. The judge put the keys in your pocket, smiled satisfied and said: "Stay here until his death, you stinking Jew, your bones forever remain gardenia here!" Old man could not believe what had happened, and serious anguish, he turned to prayer for fair rabbis toward "Rabbi Nissim Gaon, Rabbi and Rabbi Hushiel Hanane! I was very happy with his stepson, was not afraid to take a trip down to pay tribute to you, but alas, this boy, reared as her child - decided to pay evil for good. Rabid, make intercession for me J-mala us to escape to freedom! "Having barely completed the prayer, locked the door opened! The old man slipped out of town ... He told the story of the home to escape. This story happened in Tunisia to hear the Chief Rabbi Jehoshua Bessis, gardenia called him to Himself. Rabbi heard the old man's story, and then together they went to the ruler. The Emperor listened attentively to their story, and the judge immediately decided to invite themselves. Already soon ruler of the messengers stood in the yard of a judge. The judge gave the order to apply for the horse chariot, but it appeared that his journey is going to be completely different ... The Emperor ordered the judge to bind handcuffed, tie a ponytail attached to the palace to deliver in this way. The judge did not help crying and crying, she was confused and tried to explain that it must be a mistake ... what happened to him. After some time chained to a young man stood in front of the ruler. gardenia He began to defend themselves. "I'm Qayrawani Al Kadi," - he said ruler - a mistake has happened, I'm ready to prove myself! "Ruler urged Bessise rabbi, and the old man's own attraction. "Would you like to get to know their benefactors?" - Asked the governor. The young man was startled to see an old man, he certainly thought that his foster parents are long dead. Foiled the young man had no doubt that the old man wants revenge on him - Kadi had a heart attack and died on the spot! Rabbi Jehoshua Bessis said: "Who will pay evil for good, leaving the house is not an accident." ("O &

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