Saturday, February 1, 2014

Plague was transmitted to Paris in June 1348. In the beginning of 1349 collapsed on London plague,

Lost one-third of Europe's population during the Middle Ages who is responsible for the plague, is a disease seen since ancient times. The most common belief is that the plague of mice infected fleas, but in reality is a kind of transmitting germs and mice are victims of this disease only. History bouquet of the plague in the city before a large amount of mouse deaths have occurred, the people who come into contact with dead mice afflicted with this disease is due to flea bites. "Black Death" plague known as, has taken many lives. Internal bouquet bleeding in the body that creates black spots, bouquet in the armpits and groin swelling, high fever and vomiting was one of the symptoms of the plague.
Plague was transmitted to Paris in June 1348. In the beginning of 1349 collapsed on London plague, Scotland in December 1350, and from there crossed bouquet the North Sea to Scandinavia reached. From there, scroll land, south and headed east.
Half of the 90,000 people living in Florence has died from this disease. bouquet Plague, had a negative impact on daily life. People can not leave their homes had become. Parents are leaving their children, the product can not be removed from the field, bouquet the animals are left neglected, healthy patients who were fleeing from. Tens of thousands of villages had been evacuated. Priests in France noted that 125,000 people bouquet died. Leaving behind devastated by a plague epidemic in western continental Europe, where it will end gradually, the number of dead was unclear. Registration was unable to. Across the continent was estimated that 20-25 million people died. Yitirdi.ingilter three-quarters of the population of Venice, about 1 million of the 4.5 million bouquet people died. Broken from the disease, almost disappeared while returning to the continent's oldest population, took quite some time.
26 years old. I've been traveling bouquet on the borders bouquet of being Television colic and an internet addict. Of the games, fashion, shopping, cinema and my passion for the internet. I'm terrible at writing essays but amateur in the period bouquet I write scenario studies and my own 'film critic' I realized that I really like to do. While to a different blog where my critique of both the visual senses as well as researchers now a blog that combines my soul am I signing. Behold saw on TV the 'what game it' played before or who would understand what he says .. that's one of those moments you ask the answer will mostly be found here. Anyone with any information about the user found pleasant reading.
Leonardo Da Vinci
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