- I am very grateful and I admire her mother, who after the divorce was able to take care of me in a way that felt deprivation. easter 2014 Only a couple easter 2014 of years ago I appreciated how much strength it has cost me a hearty grow in every sense. easter 2014 My mother taught me not to save up for food and books. easter 2014
- I would say, a trendy necessity. (Šypsosi.) Sharing we give meaning to their existence. All we do, or materially or emotionally ... Great, when fashionable to be good. Well it would be if all the fashion to be so useful. And I would like to sharing with others, not just part of the great festivals easter 2014 of the year, and a daily habit.
- I remember as a teacher Kaunas easter 2014 Jesuit Gymnasium told that always before Christmas to needy neighbors door helped baked goose or ask for alms food is prepared after the bundle. These stories left deep memories and a certain value base. I think that person would be happy to live and participate fully as it beuždirbtų, at least a small part of their income to pay for others. The state control in their sole discretion.
- Always think what can be useful to others. What in return for the fact that I have been given life and health, I can return to the environment and the world. Already a few years ago I noticed that one can be filled in less and sharing - it's like a dessert so palepinimas shower when you feel and know that your existence on this planet someone will be saturated, warmer, more fun.
When you think about it, what I only cup of coffee in the afternoon after oral administration, the cafeteria, the other can substitute for daily food costs. Money takes on a completely different value depending on whom and what habits and income's pocket they find themselves.
- It would be hard to calculate, because the family takes care of all food supplies - we share an obligation to buy food. Food store usually leave from 50 to 200 thousand. The amount depends on how long and the number of people bought.
- In my opinion, actively employed, keep people in a hurry hard, almost impossible, to feed quality for 5 litas. Would have to keep thinking about. Pragyvenčiau, but it would be very difficult. Apparently, any diet regime ... But basically with the same resources would have to give up almost everything. Although I want to stop myself išmuštravusi or less want to, but I will not lie, it would be very difficult to live permanently turn the austere regime.
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