Sunday, July 13, 2014

You, what work dad cheating? See mom, working well right? What does your mother see? I, my father t

"Then Jesus declared, 'I am the Bread of Life. He who comes to Me will never go hungry, and he who believes in Me will never be thirsty'" (Jn 6:35). Jesus is our Bread. I am but His Crumb. But if I may satisfy any hunger, snowflake please share this little Crumb with others. Let no one go hungry. - Fr. Bob
Now we celebrate the relic of St. Joseng recruiting. snowflake The festival snowflake was founded by Pope Pius XII in 1955, not only to honor St. Joseng uncle of Jesus, but also to remind us that finding an honest life can also be a means towards spirituality. When looking at life we are honest, we sanctify ourselves and our neighbors. By finding snowflake honest life, we take the ongoing work of God in redeeming sanilikha and make Jesus Christ snowflake for mankind.
Therefore, the physical labor and sweat draining, demanding of finding life, is not a curse imposed on humanity brought sin of the first man. The finding life is a blessing. The search will honor our life as human beings, as stewards of God. Seek life sincerely transcendental snowflake expression of our being created in the image and likeness of God - reminds us of the first reading snowflake today, from the book of Genesis, the profound truth .. An essential part of our being kabuklod Jesus Christ is our lives sincerely finding. snowflake
But not everyone is looking for life. There are many reasons why not. THERE are willing to find life but get no job. Lacking opportunities often not available ascribe the job. THERE willing to seek life but can not find life. Maybe with physical snowflake barriers or have other responsibilities so they can maybe find life. And then there's also definitely not just find life. Ah, that's, that's lazy.
There are people looking to live life and there were also living life to find. Most are looking to live life to be happy in their work. But all living life is to look sad. They are tinataguriang grating horse if so eventually work horse looks well. But they have not faced them forty to eighty. But you see next to you, See guess how old he knows.
There are also those who do not have to find life unfair. On Fire's livelihood: actually kill them. A paradox, an illusion, a lie, is not it? Miss life but kill. The image of God they do not always straightforward to manufacture. snowflake We say nothing about them, but they are bad people.
Are there not seeing that their life is simulating search for God always works for our continued existence. For them, finding no relationship between their life in their spiritual lives. Blinded them. And many of them, is true only, turn a blind eye. Concentrated profits in mind, but they do not really see. Just great income, no matter what you do, but they are still blinded. Useless any income we earth if we do not necessarily see God in heaven, is not it?
There also so parents are looking for a dignified life but, because of bending rules of the modern world, their children shy when asked what their parents work. They quiet when the subject comes to the livelihood of their father or mother. But if not avoid the question, "What does your father? The mother, what work? "Ends in" only "answer:" Just garbage collector please, please just laundress, chauffeur just please, please just assistant, plumber just please, please just kusinera, carpenter snowflake just you. "But, wait , we live according to the Gospel (Mt 13:55), is not well recognized carpenter father of Jesus? Embarrassing do that? No, the carpenter promoted, snowflake fed, raised, and financed the needs of the Son of God! Yes, so generated, The Word of God is because the womb of blessed among all women, snowflake but so was born safely and learn to be fully man the Incarnate Word, is due to a carpenter.
You, what work dad cheating? See mom, working well right? What does your mother see? I, my father technician! During his lifetime he knows, very n'yang komumpuni of air conditioning units, refrigerators, electric fan, and so on. To kat

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