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In the lounge anniversary gifts bar Matis took place awards Sunflower Rural Tourism Croatia 2014 on the allocation gathered representatives of family farms and rural tourism projects and representatives of Croatian counties, nominated by their local projects for this award.
It was to me particularly pleased anniversary gifts to greet you in the name of Mayor Milan Bandic and myself because I was very glad I'm here with you. Maybe it's strange that I speak here on behalf of the City of Zagreb, Zagreb's urban environment do not have close contact with rural tourism in Zagreb, but it somehow makes me objective in considering the importance of rural tourism. Zagreb is a big market we are good visitors all those who are engaged anniversary gifts in rural tourism and offering a variety of experiences in this field. Besides all those involved in rural tourism know that makes a lot of Zagreb and is ready to do even more for the promotion of rural tourism. Often hire them on the central square hosts our cities and counties to promote their traditional anniversary gifts crafts and its rich cultural and tourist ponude.- said Sandra Švaljek.
- Rural tourism is one of the main factors of recognition and perception of each country. The aim of these awards is to promote rural tourism in Hrvatskoj.- Diana told Katica, president of the "Club članova- Village"
Kresimir anniversary gifts Butkovica autobiography, "Fifty-fifty" can be ordered at: CIRCULATION ULIKS doo Rijeka 51000 Rijeka, Cavalsko 17 - phone (051) 648069 - Fax (051) 648 068 - Office, Francis Čandeka 23A (051) 672 649 - cellular phone 1 ( 098) 431 513 - 2 GSM (098) 320781 E-mail:
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