Sunday, November 2, 2014

Then, give a hand, if you can endure in memoriam ... even me. Rabbit has the right to die, but not

Kilowatts in memoriam of darkness. Energy. | Портрет изнутри
If I have been granted these ... kilowatt ... just like that, it is necessary to do something. Along with the air currents from the kitchen window comes just implicit smell. Kilowatts of darkness. But I only want to sleep, sleep, sleep [studying cracks in the ceiling]. It gets lost in the scent by itself, stumbles and falls over me in the mirror. Without sound.
In our time - the black ... does not reflect anything. Neither the past nor the future. That day when all of his records disappear, photos, all spangles and false sweetness. On neatcerēšanos. Because this time is already lost, dingy and do not know that not experience the conversion of coal to diamonds.
Then, give a hand, if you can endure in memoriam ... even me. Rabbit has the right to die, but not to fight. Will not! Damn, we have cats that scratch is always locked to the dead conscience!
First, it is pleasing in memoriam that the schedule in memoriam helps. This time can be explained by the expression [I have heard drowsily:) ... what if that, then krizdabz be able to tell exactly how it reads]: "The work takes so much time, we shall be given. If letter writing is given in 2 weeks, it will be written in two weeks, when 15 minutes, then it will be created in 15 minutes. "So the conclusion: if the work is really a lot, there is some confusion; we begin to do 2-3 [or more] of things together and not a result of bad luck in one half of the required. in memoriam Quite a good thing "must do" sarakstiņš my case was completed by the time the entries [in time to really ALL]. The result pleases. [Eh, but I know - I'm not either in memoriam appropriate discipline [or discipline is not suitable for me] more than 2-3 weeks it unfolded.]
The second in memoriam - a learning process. Settled in memoriam scary Čeština [Czech]. Maybe not even as scary as tickling the nerves. From the "unsavory" [exam] remained in the final morphology of ... .While the far, far [?] In January ... the rest settle for less than 7 would just be impolite!
1] note [identification, viewing and apņirgšanas process], in my opinion, visnormālāko Riga Christmas tree - at the hotel opposite the McDonald's [yes, with a lowercase letter]; Paradox - visnormālākā Christmas is not Christmas, but the arrangement of pine branches.
2] bus behavior - no movement on schedule [may neatbraukt all> :(], "pārbāztība," which ends with various injuries [to the situation and the accompanying discretion] ... I began to ponder the possibility to switch to the tram ...
4] if I were a young child's cruel apčakarēta - WHERE IS SNOW ?! [This is dumber, but I really want / need to make this commercial madness under the x-mas characters being covered in white, cold, snow enjoyable ...]
[1,3,4,5] - yes, I do not like TIE festival [in the way they see around ongoing], and so I can be included nigra egoists, patmīļu Santa Clause enemy commerce neatbalstītāju [shame !!!] and aggressive radicals, which will be unfurled at the 'Stukmaņi "12/25/2006. [Pillory author unknown], чтоб другим неповадно было ... [butter]
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