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Why spend 8 hours a day sitting is killing you? Do you think you spend all day sitting in front of the computer wedding hairstyles does not have consequences? This shows you dotos infog'rafico health problems that can cause a sedentary life. By: pijamasurf - 07.06.2014 at 11:06:46
People often confused with sit relax, but the problem is that if you spend most of the day sitting in what you're doing is killing you slowly. Or at least that's what the four experts who developed this infographic tell you. If you are a slave chained to your computer, intended to hit keys all day, you should think at least take a few minutes every hour to walk around, improve your posture when sitting and generally try to exercise wedding hairstyles and have other activities that keep your body exercised.
Muscles burn less fat and blood flows more slowly if you been sitting a long time, causing fatty acids can more easily clog an artery. Also has been associated with prolonged sitting increased blood pressure and high cholesterol. Your sedentary habits can make you more likely to have a heart problem.
When the muscles are at rest long slow to respond to insulin, but the pancreas continuous pumping more and more, which could take you to develop diabetes and other diseases.
Some studies have linked sitting for a long time with cancer of colon, breast and endometrium. The reason is not clear, but it is believed that excess insulin promotes cell growth. It also happens to move regularly causes the release of antioxidants, which up free radicals that attack cells.
Moving stimulates the brain, increases blood flow and causes all kinds of chemicals that help brain function wedding hairstyles are released. When you constantly wedding hairstyles stretch your neck to the keyboard you can turn over your cervical vertebrae and cause a serious imbalance. Also, if you do not move your back for too long your spine loses flexibility and is more susceptible to injury when you perform any activity. Also you increase the risk of developing hernias in the lumbar discs, the extra pressure that receives the column to tighten the psoas muscle.
By not exercising it, gradually reduces the mobility of the hip. Also, your buttocks wedding hairstyles are weakened by lack of movement. Same with the abdominal muscles, which can lead to a condition called lordosis, in which curve over the arch of the back.
It is thought that osteoporosis and the consequent thinning of the bones may have to do with inactivity of sitting. wedding hairstyles When you stay active your bones thicken wedding hairstyles to facilitate the activity, but if you're not active the body prefers to save resources and does the opposite. Another consequence of inaction is the decline in service wedding hairstyles on the legs, leading to problems ranging from swollen wedding hairstyles ankles to varises.
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