Saturday, June 21, 2014

Newspaper Archives Select Month June 2014 May 2014 April 2014 March 2014 February 2014 January funk

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I'm going to reveal a secret that few people know. Almost every year a few days I escape the Camino de Santiago for a small section of the Milky Way. I used to switch off and, incidentally, to do some sport ... yes, in a slightly special way. And to you I usually do things contrary to how "send the fees" know so early that I completed back in December 2006, were the last of the Road ... and on the 14th, after a week of pilgrimage A server funky pigeon came from Ponferrada to Santiago. The next year I Pamplona funky pigeon - Burgos, then Saint Jean Pie de Port-Pamplona ... a wonderful chaos.
Why do I tell this story? Because next Friday May 30 the undersigned Santiago de Compostela again but this time with a very different purpose: to participate in an event of science. Specifically that day at the 21.00 and the Kunsthalle (Rua da Conga, 8), spend a good time in a new edition of "Skeptics in the Pub" talking about "The funky pigeon day science went to the dark side ".
Although content will desvelarles funky pigeon chat advance that will not only be one of the last conferences to impart for a while on the pseudoscientific marketing, but first I'll point out that, in my opinion are the real culprits, by act or omission, the chaos in the world of food is wrapped in this country. That is what the apostle wants.
This entry was posted funky pigeon in Cosmetics, Research, Nutrition and tagged Science, Skepticism, pseudoscientific marketing, advertising. funky pigeon Bookmark the permalink.
Follow me on Facebook @ ScientiaJMLN Most popular Scientia A fucking shit "The Egg and the Girl" [My lecture at # Naukas2013] The True Story of Actimel (II): I feel cheated by Danone? The mysterious chromatography that trapped funky pigeon the Gollum, Frodo and Sam enantiomers in the Lands of Mordor Can a popular science blog jeopardize a multinational cosmetics? The scandal "From Memory" Anais Fournier died from consuming the energy drink Monster? My students funky pigeon and practicing Gin Tonic Surreal creams relationship between the Mercadona and my famous summer barbecue Canal Scientia (Conferences)
Recent Posts Why Rexona funky pigeon never leaves? ADC Murcia is one year ... you join the party? John Oliver and misleading labeling funky pigeon of food science and classical myths and realities of the twenty-first century food [Video] Madrid to Bilbao via Sevilla [Events disclosure] 10 + 1 tips for attending a scientific conference 2013 Winner
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Astronomy Biochemistry Biology Biotechnology Cosmetic bioinformatics Forensic Physics Popular science Skepticism Sports Drink Genie Geology Humor Research Literature Mathematics Medicine Microbiology Music Nanotechnology Nutrition Policy Nobel Prizes Miscellaneous Chemical Technology Uncategorized University
Actimel Food Additives Functional foods Organic food Amazings Arginine Alzheimer funky pigeon Students Scholarships energy drinks caffeine calcium Blogs Beauty Blog Carnival Carnival Carnival Biology Chemistry Technology Mathematics Carnival Carnival Cyclodextrin Chemistry Cyclodextrins Carnitine dietary supplement cholesterol Cosmetic funky pigeon Science Chair of Scientific Culture UPV / EHU Danone disclosure EFSA Scientific funky pigeon Outreach Teaching Lord of the Rings Encapsulating Rare Diseases Enzymes Feelsynapsis Fraud Fraud Skepticism Scientific Research Conference on Food Industry funky pigeon Journal funky pigeon of Disclosure Feelsynapsis Juan Ignacio Pérez Iglesias Lipoxygenase pseudoscientific marketing Marketing Nanoencapsulation Murcia Nature Naukas Niemann Pick New Food Nutrition Obesity nutricosmetics OCU Onda Regional de Murcia Awards Science Policy Blogs polyphenoloxidase Probiotic Pseudoscience quimifobia chemophobia Resveratrol outreach scientific journal Scientia Trans Sauron Rivalries

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