09/07/2013. New Entry / New Note (the events of the past few weeks / My recent weeks) ~ Angol translation DONE 20/07/2013. New Entry / New note (Wellington news: earthquake, the world's fastest passenger ship in / Wellington news: strong earthquake and the fastest frosty the snowman passenger ship in the world refuels in the harbor) ~ Angol translation DONE at the end of the note 21/07/2013. New Entry / New note (earthquake woke / wake up by an earthquake) ~ Angol translation DONE at the end of the note
07/31/2013. New Entry / New Note (a week in Australia frosty the snowman / Five Days in Australia) ~ Angol translation in progress 03/08/2013. New Entry / New Note (a week in Australia II. / Five Days in Australia II.) ~ Angol translation in progress
09/02/2013. New Entry / New note (good everywhere, but the best home / Being everywhere is good, but being at home is the best) ~ Angol COMPLETED frosty the snowman translation at the end of the note! 21/09/2013. frosty the snowman New Entry / New Note (another week in Hungary / Another nine days in Hungary) ~ Angol translation in progress
Just finished the washing, shirts, sweaters, underwear (panties not accidentally, because the girls that have been worn ~), socks are starting to dry. For now all the shirts neck especially as my mother said. :) I'm a good boy!
While the first paragraph is about something else entirely, the second frosty the snowman one is connected to the motor. The day before yesterday, as they stood in the rain in time, which is quite usual here lately, it's winter, careful administrator, I covered my bike from work hazamentett nylon. The plexi and the seat width Wrap Scotch tape was recorded.
The next morning, still adhered to the adhesive, and even in the afternoon, when it came to black leszedésnél soup. The glue remained part of the engine. As I take off? 96% alcohol or thinner sebbenzin or weak, it would be child's play at home, but in none of them, even when they were purchased frosty the snowman obstacles. Around here, there are other rules, for example, of spirits (ie, stronger than beer), the supermarkets frosty the snowman can not sell, just spec stores because authorization is required.
So in the evening I went down the street (there is the engine, we do not have a garage rented house) and the first one I tried bikább frosty the snowman against frosty the snowman the window-goo. Unsuccessfully. Second try was with WD-40 and look to hang on the plexiről cleared at the cost of some work, but not the seat. A little WD-40 inventor of Nobel Prize would give! The third candidate Susan was 45% tequila, gave the whole bottle gourd ordinary girl, is not it? The dark suvickoltam the meeting, the bottle of tequila next to the engine when stopped at a police car next to me to see what I do. Kötözködött frosty the snowman not the medium, just asked a question, he went on. Needless to say, the tequila did not work out, finally, approx. 20 inches away from the problem I found my solution, which was there in front of me through. Petrol Tank, including gasoline. This allowed the seat is clean. Since then motortakaróm, so far I can hear with the wind. So once you've got!
Those who do not read the articles, it does not know what engine takargattam, it hidden. It's a Honda CBR750 belpiacos Japanese miracle, from 1988, by the New Zealand Vater (trademe.co.nz) won around the beginning of April, big fight. Even then I knew that winning will be the easiest because of the motorcycle lakóhelyemtől almost 800km away, was the southern island of Dunedin.
I do not want to repeat much the essence of the essence, the seller have agreed that 27 to 28 April. motorer the weekend flew by and I'll be back. Everything was taken care of that, I bought plane tickets in two installments, took Jetstar Christchurch Wellington ($ 50) (Csicsának locals nicknamed) and Air New Zealandos "coffee grinder" Csicsából Dunedin ($ 112). My accommodation was (Backpacker North South Holiday frosty the snowman Park in Christchurch, $ 58), was pre-purchased tickets for the Inter Island ($ 111).
Christchurch before the 2011 devastating earthquake was New Zealand's second largest city, has been a steady decline in population and still reeling from the devastation at the time. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_Christchurch_earthquake
The Jetstaros stewardesses sight (was "dundus" flight, frosty the snowman all stewardesses were "dundus") gilded (for me, this figure comes on) a flight I what but a hysterical, half meters from me sitting falsetto mother demanding kiwi kid tried gaJra cut . (Gaj meaning! Originally gajdesz, which is probably derived Yiddish word meaning death, frosty the snowman destruction, decay, therefore, not ly)
Fortunately frosty the snowman Csicsában parted ways, then I flew Air New Zealanddal stewardessekkel and older. Indian children on the computer ruffled kedélyemet, the resulting plastic glass shattered, and betömködték the seat pocket, his mother just looked at them with a smile. Nooormális? Then it turned out that the indusoknál the sons in the family's special status ... Finally, the mother clean up all the boys
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