Thursday, January 23, 2014

194 interesting events forming the subject of this curr ..

194 interesting events forming the subject of this curr .. 't occurred in Oran. According to the general idea is a little unusual here that this was not the time of the events. At first glance Rate indeed an ordinary city, Algeria was not anything other than a French baby games province. The city itself, will have to admit, is ugly. Serene-looking commercial city of this city makes it different from another one of the things that you need some time to distinguish what it was. For example, what a fluttering sound of the rustling of a leaf, not pigeons, treeless baby games and Garden city, literally, how a place is considered neutral? But looking at the sky to understand the change of seasons. Spring only from the change baby games of air quality baby games or brought from the suburbs of street vendors will announce itself with flower basket; bazaar that sold in the market is a spring. In the summer, the sun will scorch more dry houses and walls are covered in a gray powdery mildew, then you no longer live in a place other than the shadow of the closed baby games shutters. In autumn, the reverse would flood mud. Beautiful day in winter only be experienced. We know the best way to know a city is one of the people there how it works, and how he died that there is to look like each other. Our small in our city, the climate, perhaps a combination of all of them done, but passionate and uncertain air. So here bored and habits of people to obtain care. They tried a lot of living here, but not always in order to become rich. Especially interested in trading, and their parlance, are interested in doing business before. baby games Naturally, they also enjoy the simple pleasure of the women, cinemas, enjoy and sea bathing. However, it makes sense, it tastes Saturdays and Sundays up to the store because all the other days of the week try to win a lot of money. In the evening, baby games from the offices when they meet up at a certain time in cafes, stroll on the boulevard do the same interests or their own balcony. Tastes of the younger ones are violent and short, baby games whereas the bad habits of older workaholic meetings, invitations and paper kith and played with the environment is limited. Certainly it is not something unique to the city alone and ultimately our all our contemporaries will be told as such. Undoubtedly, today, people working from morning to evening baby games and then back to live their remaining time by playing cards, playing in cafes and chin, there is nothing more natural than preferences for spending. However, there are some cities and countries, the people there are occasional doubts about anything else. In general, this does not change their lives. Single doubts have emerged and it is always a gain. Conversely Oran is a city without doubt, that is entirely a modern city. Accordingly, our people here how to love each other, they do not need to specify. Men and women love each other quickly swallowed up in something called the act or two people develop a habit long. There are usually a mid-point between the ends. This is not something unique. As everywhere in to rate timelessness and knowing people from thinking must love each other. Our city than the original ones, here is the difficulty to die. Actually not the right word difficulty, discomfort will be more accurate. It is not a pleasant thing to be patient, but support you in sickness baby games and around the city and country are in a sense leave the man himself. There are a patient in need of compassion, likes to lean on something, it is very natural. But the rate of climate extremes, the importance of the work carried out here, the decor, the uncertainty, the dawn of quick dismantling and enjoy nature, requires everything to be healthy. One patient himself finds himself alone. The entire population of the policy over the phone or in cafes, bills of lading and discounts mentioned in the same minute, hundreds baby games of crackling from the heat been trapped behind the wall, let us consider someone dying. Even in death the modern baby games ailments such, it will be understood when it occurs in a dry place. It maybe a few details about our our city gives you an idea enough. And then one should not exaggerate anything. Should be underlined, is the view of the city and the life of the ordinary man, our habits are easily baby games spend days after. Our city is just a convenient place to habits, according to the health hereinafter called life can be better. baby games From this point, the course of life is seen to be very passion transmitter. What is known, baby games at least we mess. And our sincere, sympathetic, and moving all the time in our population here has fallen way people have aroused a certain degree of respect. Colors, plants and our city without soul, began to stand as a relaxing place to end, can SLEEPNESS finally here. However, the city, perfectly drawn in front of a sheep, in the middle baby games of a bare plateau, surrounded by hills light is attached to a unique landscape would be appropriate baby games to add.
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