Tuesday, January 28, 2014

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With the advent of the plague pandemic, malaria and tuberculosis, except the people who killed more people than any other infectious disease has been responsible for the deaths. Plague in the Middle Ages in Europe in separate outbreaks have killed halloween costume 33 percent to 25 percent of the population. Plague, enteric gram-negative bacteria found in the group and fakültatifaerob Yersiniapestis has caused a bacillus. Plague domestic and wild rodents natural disease. Rats are the main source of disease. People are only accidental host and the disease is not important halloween costume in maintaining. fleas, which acts as a vector are intermediate halloween costume hosts. And the plague spread among mammals. Most of the infected rats, dies after symptoms start, but only a few of the surviving develop a chronic halloween costume infection and bacteria would have to provide halloween costume a continuous supply.
Of people in the united states forest plague halloween costume plague cases of the disease called, or wild rodents in the western states is seen as endemic to the south. Plague, infected animals rats receiving off its blood bacterial cells are infected by fleas. If left untreated, halloween costume the symptoms of the plague scroll 3 * can result in death within halloween costume 5 days.
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