Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Utilization forget death, but death does not forget servant post it ...

When the wives of the dead elephant they die of heartbreak. post it They stop eating and starve lie down and shed tears up until his death. people reject help. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Utilization forget death, but death does not forget servant post it ...
Likes flocked to the hospital.
Three-dimensional carpet!
Giray States TBD Linux Users Group, giray@linux.org.t Rats and Plague in India in October post it of 1994 was a small outbreak of plague. The result: more than 3000 and up to 50 deaths plague. In India ...
In October post it of 1994, a small outbreak of plague in India was. The result: more than 3000 and up to 50 deaths plague. Lung plague, the plague post it was seen in India, such as plague, the plague of the rarest, but most deadly form of the patient's hair while talking with drops of saliva post it that are infected. Plague (Yersin) bacilli, the plague of air passengers post it through an e Nizia can ulkeier bears. Blu the cat? Linen in measures whereby hi plague has spread post it around the world. (On board a single lung plague post it patients microcomputers, everyone on the plane's disease infects.) World, vaccines, thanks smallpox epidemic helped post it prevent, today in the world of smallpox, no one notices, and these infected employees to anyone outside the three-and-shoot vaccination does, but poverty post it and filth diseases that plague and cholera, still seen in developing countries, for example in 1992 in Vietnam, Tanzania, Madagascar, Peru and Zaire were seen in the cases of the plague in 1758, of which 198 resulted in death. Last plague was seen in the Horn of India. In this town was led by the newly formed woven textile industry workers settled post it in the slums around the city. No one here that's ignoring the javelin threw the mouse in the trash heap. Plague bacilli in rats by the epidemic will kill them before, then is transmitted to humans by rat fleas. Of rats is considered sacred animals and in India as seen in the picture is even given them food. Suraya the plague, poverty, filth, garbage post it piles edişi invasion of rats, the rats öldürtmeyip besleyiş of people, ignorance, truck drivers and fleeing with the epidemic has spread.
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