Saturday, August 23, 2014

80g Turkish Halva Pistachio

Turning to the recipe and I offer a cake idea that I have created for aid, I was inspired by the chain Samira TV, but the recipe christmas music is mine, I just took the idea to put in small molds Knidlettes. They are super good and very presentable for your party tables.
80g Turkish Halva Pistachio
Hello, I am participating for the 1st time in a competition on christmas music and I request you ... "Read more
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rho yum !!!
Thank you my beautiful
Thank you Guy, mayo without egg? Beautiful evening
Thank you my sweet Lucy, and I will be delighted to welcome you to my table Kisses and good evening
Assia cuckoo then I tasted they are to die as a pure delight your whole assortment we had the privilege to try I begin to hope again tomorrow I will make you a mail (my sister went to see mom) big kiss good night to all of you
real jewels!
"August 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Tags Aperitif donuts biscuits baking Brioche Buns Chocolate Cake Jam Cookies cream dessert entry Cakes Jelly Cake Algerians birthday cakes Turning to the soft foam honor Muffins flatbread dishes Algerians fish tagine chicken shortbread tarts glasses
Categories Amarettis, christmas music meringues, macaroons Aperitif fritters, sfenj, donuts, churros hot and cold beverages Boulange, breads and buns Bricks, samosas and kebabs and salads Buches tortillas and wraps Cakes sweet and savory Chorba, soups velvety Candy, candy, caramel, nougat Jam and lollipops, fruit jellies and marmalades Cookies, christmas music brownies Crowns sweet and savory crumble, and clafoutis grattins Starters and appetizers and desserts charlottes flan sweet and savory patties and buns kings cakes, dumplings, dumplings and nuggets Cake sponge and fruit cakes Algerians (32) Cakes Chocolate Cakes Birthday Cakes dry, sanded Waffles and pancakes Genoese and basic cakes and desserts Ice cream and sorbets christmas music Hamburger, Sandwich, Paninis, etc. .. madeleines, financiers and goodies meringues, pavlova My visits and walks Sweets Mises honor mellow sweet and savory mousse, cream muffins and cupcakes Pancakes; Blinis Partners spreadable paste, salted butter caramel christmas music Pasta Pastry Pizza Base Algerian dishes Dishes baked dishes of fish and shellfish dishes Veal Recipes feuillettée paste and broken Recipes poultry chicken, turkey, quail, etc. .. recipes without eggs Recipes tested Salads Salads Salted christmas music Sauces duverses sweet syrup, smmothies, juices, lassis, tagines milkshake sweet and savory pies and Tiramussi Verrines panna cotta for dessert pastries Yogurt mhalbi, Palouza
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